
Join the movement

Become a KK member

Join hundreds of thousands of empowered individuals and couples in the KK movement. As a KK member, embrace new pleasures, prioritise consent, and fearlessly explore fantasies. Be part of our unique, liberating community.

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What you get in the kitten’s world

Membership benefits

As a KK member, you’ll get access to buy tickets to the exclusive KK parties where you will experience the extraordinary; each event an epic journey where excitement knows no bounds.

You’ll become part of a celebrated community of liberated members, each empowered to extend invitations to guests, welcoming them into the world of KK.

Join now


Buy party tickets

Buy tickets to KK parties and workshops


Invite guests

The power to invite a trusted guest with you to a KK party


Access to the online community

Get instant access to KK Communities on WAX App where the KK experience continues online


KK profile badge

Display your KK badge of honour on your profile*

Become a member

How to come to a party

The only way to gain exclusive access to KK parties is by becoming a KK member or receiving an invite from one. Begin this exciting journey by simply applying for KK membership.

We'll carefully review your application and once you're approved, a selection of extraordinary parties awaits.

Join now


Are you one of us?

Become a KK member

If our values don't resonate with you, KK probably isn’t the right fit for you. But if you like what you hear and our values align with yours, then you’re probably one of us and we invite you to join our movement.

Join now