You’ve learned to give the ultimate blow job from one of our previous blog posts, so now it’s time for us to give you the ultimate guide on how to deepthroat!
Can everyone deepthroat? Firstly, while some people love to work deepthroating into their sexual experiences, it is not for everyone. You should never feel pressured, by yourself or by anyone else, to incorporate it or any other sexual act into your play just because it has risen to fame through porn in recent years.
Before we jump into learning how to deep throat, it’s important to know that deep throating shouldn’t be your first foray into oral sex. We recommend getting comfortable with giving blow jobs and taking a penis or dildo into your mouth before attempting this technique. The same goes for when you’re actively practising and ease into it by starting with a blow job and other forms of touch to enhance pleasure and enjoyment for both you and your partner.
Language Note: This article and the terms used within are intentionally gender non-specific, as we intend for this piece to be broad in gender application. The words “penis”, “balls”, and a few other anatomical terms are used with absolutely no gender specificity assigned to any term. We would like to acknowledge that not everyone with these general demonstrations of physiology uses the same words to describe their parts and that not all bodies appear the same or function in the same way.
It is our intention to be mindful and inclusive of trans, enby, GNC, gender expansive, 2 Spirit, and intersex experiences as we want the information contained within to benefit as many expansive identities as possible.
We hope that you enjoy reading this article and that it helps you to find new ways to experience and or give pleasure! We welcome feedback at
What Is Deepthroating? How Is It Different From A Blow Job?
Understanding how to deepthroat starts with knowing how it differs from a standard blow job. Unlike oral sex that revolves around external stimulation, deep throating involves guiding a penis or dildo past the mouth and into the throat.
In more detail, a standard blow job focuses on licking, sucking, and stimulating the penis, balls, or dildo with the mouth. Deepthroating is a technique that involves guiding it past the mouth and into the throat.
Despite how it’s sometimes depicted, deep penetration is typically a process of controlled movements of pushing in and pulling out at varying lengths rather than a sustained hold.
Keeping it in the throat for extended periods is a more advanced technique that requires breath control training, as it can momentarily restrict airflow.
How long does deepthroat training take?
As with any new skill, deepthroat training takes time to learn and can be harmful if not done safely and correctly. Each person will naturally have their own comfort levels when it comes to deep throating, and it is important to listen to your body as you practise and learn.
Be sure not to override what your body is telling you; if you find yourself in pain or discomfort during deepthroat training, stop. Take a break and make sure you are okay before trying again, moving on to a different kind of touch or stopping altogether.
What Is A “Throat Orgasm”?
Some people have found they can experience a “throat orgasm”. This may have something to do with stimulation of the vagus nerve inside of the throat, though few studies have been conducted on this. Every individual will be able to stimulate their vagus nerve in different ways that do not require deep throating (some ways are listed below).
For some, the vagus nerve might be reached while deep throating near the uvula, or the entry point of the throat.
For others, the front or back part of their throat might be what helps them stimulate the vagus nerve.
“Throat-gasms” are not widely known, and may not be possible for all individuals. However, some people describe them to be very fulfilling.
The vagus nerve can also be stimulated by:
- Singing
- Chanting
- Loud gurgling
- Foot massage
- Cold water on the face
It is known to do wonders for stress relief, anxiety and depression.
That being said, over stimulation of the vagus nerve lowers the heart rate. This can become a problem because rapid drops in heart rate can cause a person to faint.
If you are deep throating it is important that you keep this in mind, and pay attention to yourself and your partner/s as they are deep throating to prevent over stimulation.
A Quick Note On Saliva During Deepthroating
When you start deep throating, you are going to quickly notice that you are producing large quantities of saliva.
For almost all people, this is unavoidable and is definitely NOT something you should worry about.
Excess saliva during deepthroating is perfectly natural, and on the plus side, it can act as a natural lubricant. So if you want to give your partner extra sloppy head, then deep throating them is a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone.
Is Deepthroating Safe? Is Deepthroating Dangerous?
If done correctly, deep throating can be a safe experience, however if it is not done responsibly, deepthroating can be dangerous, too.
Like any sexual act, deep throating can transfer STIs, and can also bring on throat bruising, throat rawness, and can cause unwanted vomiting, gagging, and choking.
Restricted air flow and ruptured airways, or tracheobronchial injury are also ways a person can become injured during deep throating, so it is important that you start out slowly and lightly as you practise and play.
We highly recommend that you and your partner/s adopt non-verbal safewords or cues to stop or pause play, as verbal cues can be very difficult, or not possible, to give.
All of that said, deep throating can be super enjoyable for both the giver and the receiver, so read on for the ultimate deep throat training guide!
Deep Throat Training
What to avoid when deep throat training:
Deepthroating can be extremely satisfying for both giver and receiver. However, there are a few things you should avoid:
If you feel like you are choking, be sure to use your non-verbal safeword to stop play. Once you have had a breather, you can feel free to begin again if you so choose, but it is important that you are not restricting your airways.
Deep throating should be a process of in and out movements, allowing the giver to access breath and air in between “pumps”.
If you or your partner/s enjoy your choking, you can always lean into this as a role-playing style and pretend. Breath play of any sort is not something to be taken on lightly, without any kind of training. You mustn’t endanger yourself or others in the process of exploring, so if you want to explore choking, consider seeking professional guidance and training, such as this video series created by Lola Jean and LT.
Vomiting or Gagging
For many, these may be a turn-on and part of the goal, in which case you can either choose to play up any gagging or near vomiting, or lean into them and let them happen. However, if you are not going for these experiences in your play, slow down your deep throat training and give yourself a small break in between “pumps”.
Raw Throat – Don’t Use Numbing Lube
If your throat begins to feel raw or overworked, you must pause and give your throat a break. It may feel best to move on to a blow job, a hand job or something else and pick back up with deep throat training another time.
Avoid using any kind of numbing lube, as you will not be able to listen to your body, and when it wears off you might have a very sore situation (if not actively injured) on your hands.
Can you train to deep throat and avoid the gag reflex?
Like any new skill, there are ways of practising deep throating. If you feel more comfortable doing so, you can begin by practising with putting your fingers or a dildo into your mouth, guiding it gently and slowly down your throat.
Try and pay attention to when your gag reflex kicks in, and respect that it is there to keep you safe. Shifting your relationship to your gag reflex won’t happen overnight. Your gag reflex is usually triggered when something touches the back of your throat, the roof of your mouth, your tonsils or even the back of your tongue causing a spasm-like sensation or reflex contraction (gagging).
Desensitising the Gag Reflex
Building a new relationship with your gag reflex has to do with slowly desensitising it. Desensitising it means that you’ll be “training” the back of your throat and tonsils to stop making you gag anytime something touches there. Training your gag reflex takes time and effort but can be done.
If you are going to slowly try and desensitise your gag reflex, you must be using something clean, and something that will not get stuck, or damage your throat. We highly recommend your fingers or a dildo. You do not want to be using fruit or anything on which you could accidentally lose your grip.
Whether you are learning with a partner/s, friends, or if you are undertaking this training solo, keep other people in the loop as you practise. If you feel light headed or unwell, or in case anything were to go wrong, you will have someone in the know to help you out.
How To Practice Deep Throating
As with any new skill, practice makes perfect! So, here’s the step-by-step guide to learning how to deepthroat.
Step One: Finding The Gag Reflex
- Inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Say “Ahhh” and slowly insert the clean object of choice into your mouth and guide it towards the back of your throat.
- As it reaches the back of your throat, it will trigger your gag reflex.
Try to suppress this gag reflex and hold it there, or back off just a touch so that you can breathe without gagging.
Breathe through your nose, and try to relax your throat. Some people find that imagining the sensation of a yawn can help to open their throat and relax their gag reflex.
- Hold your object steady at the back of your throat for up to 10 seconds. This is you creating a practice “plunge” while still trying to control movement. Don’t try to move it in or out. Insert, hold, and then remove the object completely. Recover.
If you do this a few times a week you might find it gets easier, as your gag reflex may become less sensitive.
Aim to practice off and on for a few weeks. Once you feel it has become easier, then you are ready to proceed to the next step.
If, however, you feel you aren’t making progress, it may be a sign that deep throating is not something your body is comfortable with, and that is ok, too.
Every person will have their own unique response to deep throating, and it is not a failure to be safe and listen to your body. Pushing past where your body is comfortable could lead to dangerous outcomes.
Your body reacts to protect you, so always be listening to where your body is comfortable.
Step Two: Moving In and Out
The next stage is to begin trying to move your chosen object in and out of your mouth while brushing off your gag reflex.
The first few times will be challenging and you may feel like you want to vomit, but stay calm, breathe and relax. If you feel like you are going to vomit, we would recommend pausing what you’re doing and taking some deep breaths to recover. Don’t try to push through, especially if you are not feeling comfortable.
If you do vomit, that is ok, too, and is nothing to be ashamed about. You may want to practise this stage in the bathtub or shower for ease. Remember, this is a normal bodily reaction that you are attempting to retrain, and even with practice it is difficult to reprogram your natural bodily instincts.
After a few weeks of this, you may have eventually worn down the sensitivity of your gag reflex to the point where you are quite comfortable taking your object deep into and out of your throat without convulsing, gagging or coughing excessively.
If you find this to be the case, you may then feel ready to move on to a penis or dildo that is attached to a person.
Step Three: Deep Throating A Penis or Strap On
It is important that your partner is patient and understanding. No one needs any extra pressure when practising deep throating or any new skill!
Your partner should remain really still until you have mastered your relationship to deep throating so that you can control the speed and the depth of the in and out motions.
Note where you are still experiencing your gag reflex, and place your fingers around the penis or dildo at that point so you can use it as a benchmark and restricted area line. Feel free to use your other hand to play with that further part of the shaft. As always, communication is key for this to be as pleasurable as it can be.
Best Positions For Deep Throating
For deepthroating, try to be in a position which puts less pressure on the back of your throat. A great first position is on your knees facing the penis in the standard blow job position, as it allows for the giver to have the most control.
On the other hand, you can also try lying back with your head tilted over the edge of a bed for when you feel more comfortable with deep throating, as this helps to open up the throat.
Of course, this isn’t a one-position-suits-all type of situation. Penises come in all shapes and sizes and the fun is in experimenting and finding the right position that works best for you.
Remember To Breathe
When you have a penis or dildo in your throat, it becomes tougher to breathe. The bigger the object in your throat, the harder it will be.
Try breathing through your nose, breathing when your partner pulls out of your throat. If you find this impossible, then be sure to take breaks. Deep throat for one plunge, and take a break for ten seconds. You can make the break sexy, but be sure to take that much needed time to breathe.
Advanced Deep Throat Techniques
If you’ve mastered the basic deepthroating technique, there are a few ways you can up-level and add even more sensation to your play:
- Licking their balls
If you are on your knees, and your partner is standing while you deep throat them, you are in the perfect position to extend your tongue outwards and start licking their testicles.
Give them a heads up before doing it, so they don’t thrust deeper or pull out when you do.
The key is keeping the penis deep in your throat as you do this, where your partner is neither moving in or out.
- Humming
Another simple but powerful technique you can try is humming while keeping the penis deep in your throat (so no thrusting in and out).
- Your hands
When deep throating your partner, your hands will be free. You can put them on their legs and stomach to control the speed you take them into your throat, or you can reach around and grab their bottom and pull them deeper into you. Try lightly scratching them, massaging their bottom and/or testicles, or caressing the perineum. You can also just use your hands to steady yourself and make yourself comfortable, or touch yourself in a way that feels good!
Want to learn more about deep throating?
If you’re interested in learning or evolving your skills for deepthroating, we’ve got you. Make sure you check out our upcoming workshops and masterclasses! This page is constantly evolving, and deepthroating is a skill so many people are interested in.

Written by the Killing Kittens team.